The Forest & Beach School

At Ipswich High School we are extremely fortunate to have a beautiful and vast environmental resource in which to play, learn and work. Our 87-acre grounds are very much part of our curriculum and ethos.

In the Prep School, our Forest School and Beach School sessions provide us all with a chance to explore and investigate. The woodland in our grounds and a nearby beach offer unique teaching and learning experiences in an ever-changing environment. We believe that this captures our pupils’ curiosity, stimulates their senses, builds their self-confidence and nurtures their wellbeing.

Problem solving, independence, enquiry and perseverance skills are all promoted in our Forest School and Beach School sessions and we believe in encouraging and inspiring pupils to develop their personal, social and emotional skills by taking part in achievable, yet challenging, tasks and activities.

The Aims of Our Forest School and Beach School

  • To develop social and teamwork skills
  • To provide opportunities for individuals to develop, to learn and have fun
  • To provide a safe and non-threatening environment in which children can take risks, make choices and initiate their own learning
  • To help children respect, appreciate, utilise and care for their natural environment
  • To develop confidence and self-esteem and have a positive outlook to outdoor learning
  • To develop a happy, welcoming and secure environment
  • To enable children to be independent, self-motivated and considerate to one another

Outdoor Learning at Ipswich High School

Outdoor learning, ultimately, is fun and children who are happy and interested will learn quickly and be motivated to further their education. This applies as much to the Senior School pupils as Prep School pupils, and throughout Years 7 to 13 teachers provide many opportunities to work outside – from scientific research and maths puzzles to open air drama productions and art lessons.